Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Victory in the Primary!!!

I literally almost passed out tonight! Brian did too! :D

You see about 4 years ago when Brian's dad, Jerry decided to not run for Sheriff Brian and I switched our party from Democrat to Republican. We had always felt convicted about that anyway, but in order to mainly vote in our county's Primaries you need to be a Democrat. Almost all of Brian's family are Democrats, but that is just not our conviction. I always joked that in order to marry into the family it was a pre-requisite that I had to be registered Democrat. I grew up with a Republican mother and Democrat father! But I have always in my heart been a Conservative!

In mid-January Jerry decided to run for Sheriff about 3 weeks AFTER the deadline to switch parties was up. This means that we weren't going to be able to vote for him in the Primary. Which was when he was going to face his main opponent, the incombent, and would need our votes the most. But it was too late to switch, so we just helped him in every other way that we could!
Now here is the good news!

He WON the Primary tonight!!!!!!!
By 82 votes. Yes - I said 82 votes!
There was one point tonight where 56 out of 57 precincts were reporting and he was down by TWO votes. TWO VOTES!!! That is when I nearly passed out. This whole time the joke has been that if he loses by two votes Brian and I will have to move out of the county. But when the final results came in he had WON by 82 votes. Whew! I am sure that they'll have to have a recount, but we'll take a victory!!!

Brian with his dad at a rally a few weeks ago.

I am proud to be in this family and look forward to Jerry being our next Sheriff. He has worked very hard in law enforcement his enire life and he truly deserves this!

So congratulations to all of the winners in the Primaries! We were also rooting for Jared Carpenter (my BFF since 2nd grade's hubby) in the 34th Ky Senate race, Lisa Davis (our pastor's wife) for County Clerk, & of course Rand Paul U.S. Senate!!! All winners!!!

Here are a few of my favorite quotes about voting:

"In selecting men for office, let principle be your guide. Regard not the particular sect or denomination of the candidate--look to his character."

Noah Webster

"Should things go wrong at any time, the people will set them to rights by the peaceable exercise of their elective rights."

Thomas Jefferson


Kim @ Homesteader's Heart said...

That is so cool! Congrats to him. And I can see how you would have felt the need to leave the country had he lost by 2 votes. LOL!
God is in control. Thank goodness! LOL!

Tania said...

Congratulations to you & your family on your Father-in-law being elected Sheriff. I know you all are very happy.

Emily Powell said...

ha ha! Isn't that picture great?! On soooo many levels!

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